I'm a lucky momma, but I completely understand people who don't want children, and that must be respected! I'm afraid a second may come as 'standard' or worst, and I'll regret my decision hundreds of times.' Find out why you still meet the friendliest people on a Honda. I love my daughter, she is, under a general view, a perfect child. Since newborn she always slept at least 6hours straight, is rarely sick, eats everything we put on her front, likes fish and salad/vegetables, I can count with one hand her child tantrums and she made only 2 in public (now at 14y we have arguments often, but are usually negociated, some days she ends upset but accepts my demands, others I have to give up some minor rules and trust her jugdement), is a great student, well behaved, helps random people she sees in need, and receives appraisal from her teachers and people around. dankmeme polotics moonknight freshmemes funny memes swiping posts just find. When people ask me why didn't I had a second child, I always say: 'Look at my daughter. Im sure theres more proof out there being suppressed Helicopters involved in Vegas shooting. Vegas helicopter im sure theres more proof being suppressed helicopters involved.